Snapchat Planets Order and Meanings: The Ultimate User Guide

Snapchat is a feature-packed messaging app and one of the most popular social media platforms among the Gen-Z’s. The plus version of this application contains some exciting features that elevate your messaging experience. One of the most notable features of Snapchat+ is the Snapchat Friend Solar System, which allows users to visualise and rank their closest friends.

But, have you ever tried figuring out the Snapchat Planets order and meaning? If not, don’t worry! We will discuss this thoroughly so that it assists you in understanding your Snapchat friendships better.

What are Snapchat Planets?

Snapchat Planets is a fantastic feature of Snapchat+, where you are the Sun, and different planets from Mercury represent your eight closest friends to Neptune. The deeper your friendship bond is, the closer your friends will be assigned planets.

For example, you interact and share a streak more with a friend called ‘Alexa’; she will get the Mercury planet in your Snapchat Friend Solar System. Your top eight friends will be assigned a planet based on their interactions with them. It visualises the friendship level quickly and funnily.

Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning

In the Snapchat Friend Solar System, you are the sun, and the planets around you are your eight closest friends. Starting from Mercury, which depicts the most-interacted friend, the list continues till Neptune, the least-interacted friend. It makes it easier to understand our connection with each closest friend.

So, to brief you better about these planets, we have thoroughly explained Snapchat Planets’ order and meaning. Let’s have a look!

1. Mercury

Mercury is the first planet in the Snapchat Friend Solar System, and it is assigned to the closest friend you interact most with. The planet is in faded red with five hearts and two tiny stars around it.


2. Venus

The Venus planet has a pale orange and brown swirl colour, surrounded by two pinks, two yellow, and a blue heart. Like Mercury, Venus represents the second most interacted or closest friend.


3. Earth

Earth is assigned to the third closest friend in your friend list. Earth is lovely; it has a mixture of light blue and green colours and has a moon, four hearts, and three little stars in the background.


4. Mars

It is the fourth planet in our solar system and represents the fourth closest friend on Snapchat. The mars signify your friendship is growing, and the friendmoji showcases your friend sitting on the planet with one hand and the other on their head.


5. Jupiter

According to the Snapchat Planets’ order and meaning, Jupiter is your fifth-closest friend. It is an orange planet with red tints around it.


6. Saturn

In Snapchat Plus, Saturn represents your sixth closest friend. It showcases a secure and stable friendship, where the planet is depicted in an orange-yellow ring with a large golden ring surrounded by a few tiny stars.


7. Uranus

Uranus is assigned to the penultimate least interactive friend among the eight closest friends. However, you will fall in love with the colour of this planet, which is swirled green with yellow stars around it.


8. Neptune

This is the eighth and final planet in the Snapchat Friend Solar System, assigned to your least interacted friend. It reflects the lack of emotional bonding, where the friendmoji shows a friend facing away from the sun. 


How Does the Snapchat Friend Solar System Work?

Snapchat Plus is required to check the planetary position in the Snapchat Friend Solar System. If you are already a Snapchat+ member, open a friend’s profile. You will notice a “Best Friends” or “Friends” badge with a gold outline there. The ‘Best Friends’ indicates that you have a planetary position in each other’s solar system.

On the other hand, if you see ‘Friends’, you are among their eight closest friends, but they are not on your list. You can tap on the badge to check your planetary position in their Friend Solar System. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Snapchat and visit any friend’s profile.
  2. Under their username, you will see the ‘Best Friends’ or ‘Friends’ badge.
  3. Tap on the badge with a gold outline.
  4. If your friend has enabled the Snapchat Friend Solar System feature, you can see your planetary position in their solar system.


Understanding Snapchat Planet’s order and meanings helps you visualize your interaction attractively. It’s like a cheat code to decode your friendship level. So, whenever you spot such a planet icon, consider what it tells about your friendship with that friend.

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